The use of date blocks for supplementary feeding of growing camels = [Titre...
Alafaliq A., Ben Abdallah A., Almasaud A., Faye B. 2015 The date production in arid countries like Saudi Arabia includes a part of discarded dates for human consumption. These discarded dates could be...
View ArticleSocio-economic indicators of the camel production sector in southeast...
Salmi C., Jaouad M., Faye B., Khortchani T. 2015 This Socio-economic study has been conducted by a team of PROCAMED Project. This project falls within the framework of the promotion of the innovating...
View ArticleSeasonal variation of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 levels in meat of moroccan...
Bargaa R., El Kholti N., Mohamed F., Tahri E.H., El Abbadi N., Abouhafs R., Faye B. 2015 The camel productions are involved in local, regional or international economy. If the market of live animals,...
View ArticleNutritional characteristics of the camel's rangeland in Algeria = [Titre en...
Chehma A., Faye B. 2015 The Algerian Sahara Desert which occupies more than 80% of the Algerian territory represents an ecosystem generally hostile to the spontaneous survival of living organisms....
View ArticleMonitoring of camel milk quality in intensive dairy farm = [Titre en Kazakh]...
Al-Rasheedi F.S., Altulayan B.S., Al-Amre S.S., Faye B., Konuspayeva G. 2015 The implementation of intensive camel dairy farm aiming to put milk and milk products (pasteurized or fermented milk,...
View ArticleMeasurement of camel milk flow with lactocorder = [Titre en Kazakh] = [Titre...
Moashi Y., Musaad A., Faye B. 2015 In the frame of monitoring of milk performances in a intensive camel dairy farm, the milk production and the milk flow are regularly recorded by using Lactocorder ©....
View ArticleImpact of transport distance on stress biomarkers levels in dromedary camel...
El Khasmi M., Youssef C., Mohamed F., El Hassane T., Fouad F., El Abbadi N., Rachidai A., Faye B. 2015 Impact of transport distance on stress biomarkers levels in dromedary camel (#Camelus...
View ArticleHow are the legends about camel milk: the lactoferrin example? = [Titre en...
Konuspayeva G., Faye B. 2015 According to different authors, camel milk has many virtues, true or supposed, and is suggested as adjuvant treatment for different disorders like infectious diseases,...
View ArticleEvaluation of teat condition and udder health of dairy dromedary camel¿s...
Ayadi M., Musaad A., Aljumaah R.S., Konuspayeva G., Faye B. 2015 A total of 10 multiparous dromedary camels under intensive condition in mid stage of lactation were used to evaluate teat condition and...
View ArticleEstimation of body and hump weight of bactrian camels = [Titre en Kazakh] =...
Nurseitova M., Jurjanz S., Toregozhina Z., Konuspayeva G., Faye B. 2015 This study aimed to estimate body weight of two humped Bactrian camels from South Kazakhstan. In addition, the hump weight was...
View ArticleComparison of d and l-lactate content in cow and camel milk = [Titre en...
Baubekova A., Kalimbetova A., Sandugash, Akhmetsadykova S., Konuspayeva G., Faye B. 2015 Lactate is the product of fermentation of lactose in the digestive tract of milk consumers. The lactate has...
View ArticleCombined sanger and ngs sequence analysis of the myostatin gene (mstn) in the...
Muzzachi S., Burger P., Fitak R., Oulmouden A., Cherifi Y., Yahyaoui H., Zayed M.A., Lacalandra G.M., Faye B., Ciani E. 2015 Different mutations have been identified in the myostatin gene (MSTN), some...
View ArticleBinding sites of mirnas with transcription factors' genes of #Camelus ferus#...
Alybaeva A., Berillo O., Niyazova R., Faye B., Ivashchenko A. 2015 We searched binding sites of miRNAs in mRNAs of 157 transcription factors' genes of wild camel (Camelus ferus). The mRNAs of 96 genes...
View ArticleAdaptation of the pastoral farming systems: the example of the periurban...
Faye B., Chaibou M., Vias-Franck G. 2015 Facing to the mutations related to climate change and globalization of the economy, Sahelian pastoralists are not necessarily located on the margins of...
View ArticlePreliminary study on prevalence, risk factor and genetic homogeneity of...
Wang J., Wen H., Wang S., Sun W., Shen N., Liu Z., Liu Y., Jiang C., Sun G., Goutard F., Cai X. 2015 While porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) causes great economic losses in southern...
View ArticleNew insights on African buffalo genetics
Smitz N., Cornélis D., Chardonnet P., Caron A., De Garine-Wichatitsky M., Jori F., Van Hooft P., Heller R., Michaux J. 2015 Along with the elephant and the wildbeest, the African buffalo (Syncerus...
View ArticleCost:Benefit analysis of insect net use in cabbage in real farming conditions...
Vidogbéna F., Adegbidi A., Assogba-Komlan F., Martin T., Ngouajio M., Simon S., Tossou R., Parrot L. 2015 Insect net use provides a physical exclusion of pests as well as a microclimate change, thus...
View ArticleAn investigation of social dynamics in Cape buffalo and implications for...
Caron A., De Garine-Wichatitsky M., Miguel E., Grosbois V., Foggin C., Hofmeyr M., Cornélis D. 2015 In southern Africa, TransFrontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs) are promoting the sustainable...
View Article36 nuances de palmiers à huile ou un palmier dans tous ses états
Launois M., Chirara F., Durand-Gasselin T., Rival A. 2015 Culture des plantes
View ArticleHydrological and pesticide transfer modeling in a tropical volcanic watershed...
Mottes C., Lesueur Jannoyer M., Charlier J.B., Carles C., Guene M., Le Bail M., Malézieux E. 2015 Simulation of flows and pollutant transfers in heterogeneous media is widely recognized to be a...
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