Bargaa R., El Kholti N., Mohamed F., Tahri E.H., El Abbadi N., Abouhafs R., Faye B.
The camel productions are involved in local, regional or international economy. If the market of live animals, linked mainly to the meat market, is well developed in the Horn of Africa and Middle-east, the milk market knows a recent development in spite of the wide part still under informal sector. The wool presents a high adding value for the producers because the high quality of the fiber is ...
Elevage - Considérations générales
The camel productions are involved in local, regional or international economy. If the market of live animals, linked mainly to the meat market, is well developed in the Horn of Africa and Middle-east, the milk market knows a recent development in spite of the wide part still under informal sector. The wool presents a high adding value for the producers because the high quality of the fiber is ...
Elevage - Considérations générales