Baubekova A., Kalimbetova A., Sandugash, Akhmetsadykova S., Konuspayeva G., Faye B.
Lactate is the product of fermentation of lactose in the digestive tract of milk consumers. The lactate has benef icial effect on health for the regulation of the milk protein digestion and calcium absorption. However, lactate has two stereoisomere named D and L form (for Dextrogyre and Levogyre). In dietetic, D form is not recommended because it could have negative effect on health, especially ...
Physiologie et biochimie animales; Composition des produits alimentaires
Lactate is the product of fermentation of lactose in the digestive tract of milk consumers. The lactate has benef icial effect on health for the regulation of the milk protein digestion and calcium absorption. However, lactate has two stereoisomere named D and L form (for Dextrogyre and Levogyre). In dietetic, D form is not recommended because it could have negative effect on health, especially ...
Physiologie et biochimie animales; Composition des produits alimentaires