Using functional traits to assess the services provided by cover plants: a...
Damour G., Garnier E., Navas M.L., Dorel M., Risède J.M. 2015 Cover plant-based cropping systems have gained considerable attention over the last few years because of the recognized benefits of...
View ArticleReconsidering industrial metabolism: From analogy to denoting actuality
Wassenaar T. 2015 Metabolism is a key concept in industrial ecology (IE). Industrial metabolism (IM) is widely used but seldom discussed, and the rare contributions discussing the concept show...
View ArticleInfluence of #Oecophylla longinoda# Latreille, 1802 (#Hymenoptera:...
Diame L., Grechi I., Rey J.Y., Sane C.A.B., Diatta P., Vayssières J.F., Yasmine A., De Bon H., Diarra K. 2015 Damage caused by the fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (syn. B. invadens Drew,...
View ArticleValue of routine dengue Diagnostic tests in urine and saliva specimens
Andries A.C., Duong V., Ly S., Cappelle J., Srorn Kim K., Lorn Try P., Ros S., Ong S., Huy R., Horwood P., Flamand M., Sakuntabhai A., Tarantola A., Buchy P. 2015 Dengue is the most important...
View ArticlePilot projects on protocols for PPR control
Ouattara L., Savadogo J., Bourzat D., Domenech J., Lancelot R. 2015 Maladies des animaux; Sciences et hygiène vétérinaires : considérations générales
View ArticlePersistance de la peste porcine africaine en Europe de l¿Est = Persistence of...
Le Potier M.F., Arsevska E., Marcé C. 2015 Maladies des animaux
View ArticleA framework to promote collective action within the One Health community of...
Binot A., Duboz R., Promburom T., Phimpraphai W., Cappelle J., Lajaunie C., Goutard F., Pinyopummintr T., Figuié M., Roger F. 2015 As Southeast Asia (SEA) is characterized by high human and domestic...
View ArticleModeling of date palm (#Phoenix dactylifera# L.) vegetative aerial...
Gammoudi S., Lecoustre R., Ben Salah M. 2014 The present study was carried out to verify the statis tical relationships between the characteristic parameters in te rms of vegetative aerial...
View ArticleUse of a chirp-coded excitation method in order to improve geometrical and...
Lasaygues P., Arciniegas Mosquera A.F., Brancheriau L. 2015 Methods for measuring ultrasonic wave velocity in an elastic material require knowledge of the thickness of the sample. In general, the...
View ArticleStandardisation du conseil agricole et diversité des modalités d¿action des...
Moumouni I., De Romemont A., Amonsou-Biaou F., Faure G. 2015 Cet article analyse l¿influence de la représentation des conseillers agricoles sur la mise en ¿uvre du conseil en se basant sur une étude...
View ArticleA seed mixture increases dominance of resistance to Bt cotton in #Helicoverpa...
Brévault T., Tabashnik B.E., Carrière Y. 2015 Widely grown transgenic crops producing insecticidal proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) can benefit agriculture, but adaptation by pests threatens...
View ArticleL'ingénierie écologique pour une agriculture durable dans les zones arides et...
Escadafal R. (ed.), Masse D. (ed.), Chotte J.L. (ed.), Scopel E. (ed.) 2015 Dans le contexte actuel de contraintes climatiques et socioéconomiques, les agricultures des zones sèches doivent évoluer...
View ArticleGuide d'identification illustré des baobabs de Madagascar
Cornu C., Danthu P. 2015 Foresterie - Considérations générales; Taxonomie végétale et phyto-géographie; Anatomie et morphologie des plantes; Physiologie végétale : reproduction; Conservation de la...
View ArticleIdentifying climatic drivers of tropical forest dynamics
Aubry-Kientz M., Rossi V., Wagner F., Hérault B. 2015 In the context of climate change, identifying and then predicting the impacts of climatic drivers on tropical forest dynamics is becoming a matter...
View ArticleAnimal husbandry complexity in the crop-livestock farming systems of the New...
Osman M.A., Daoud I., Melak S., Salah E., Hafez Y., Haggah A., Aboul Naga A.M., Alary V., Tourrand J.F. 2014 In Egypt, the New Reclaimed Lands (NRL) are desert lands that surround the Nile delta,...
View ArticleMaîtriser les paysages et les processus écologiques propres à cette échelle
Brévault T., Soti V., Thiaw C., Clouvel P. 2015 Les modifications profondes de l¿environnement, dues en particulier au changement climatique et à l¿accroissement de la pression anthropique sur les...
View ArticleLe conseil technique agricole d'une entreprise d'agrofourniture
Goulet F., Amet C., Bernard de Raymond A. 2015 Agriculture - Considérations générales; Organisation, administration et gestion des entreprises ou exploitations agricoles; Fertilisation
View ArticleÉmergence des conseillers privés du conseil en agriculture : de nouvelles...
Goulet F., Compagnone C., Labarthe P. 2015 Agriculture - Considérations générales; Organisation, administration et gestion des entreprises ou exploitations agricoles; Economie et politique du...
View ArticleTransmission ecology of rodent-borne diseases: New frontiers
Bordes F., Blasdell K.R., Morand S. 2015 Rodents are recognized reservoir hosts for many human zoonotic pathogens. The current trends resulting from anthropocene defaunation suggest that in the future...
View ArticleTranscriptome analysis in Coffea eugenioides, an Arabica coffee ancestor,...
Yuyama P.M., Reis Júnior O., Ivamoto S.T., Domingues D.S., Carazzolle M.F., Pereira G.A.G., Charmetant P., Leroy T., Pereira L.F.P. 2015 Studies in diploid parental species of polyploid plants are...
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