Vidogbéna F., Adegbidi A., Assogba-Komlan F., Martin T., Ngouajio M., Simon S., Tossou R., Parrot L.
Insect net use provides a physical exclusion of pests as well as a microclimate change, thus increasing soil humidity, vegetable quality and yields in tropical conditions. This paper presents the findings of a cost:benefit analysis of this technology in real farming conditions compared to current insecticide practices. The surveys were conducted in Benin for cabbage production (Brassica oleracea ...
Protection des végétaux : considérations générales; Ravageurs des plantes; Façons culturales; Economie de la production
Insect net use provides a physical exclusion of pests as well as a microclimate change, thus increasing soil humidity, vegetable quality and yields in tropical conditions. This paper presents the findings of a cost:benefit analysis of this technology in real farming conditions compared to current insecticide practices. The surveys were conducted in Benin for cabbage production (Brassica oleracea ...
Protection des végétaux : considérations générales; Ravageurs des plantes; Façons culturales; Economie de la production