Regards sur la terre 2015 : Construire un monde durable
Paugam A. (ed.), Ribera T. (ed.), Tubiana L. (ed.), Pachauri R.K. (ed.), Biagiotti I., Dhar Chakrabarti P.G., Jozan R., Kamelgarn D., Voituriez T. 2015 Economie et politique du développement
View ArticleRoles of small ruminants in rural livelihood improvement ¿ Comparative...
Alary V., Aboul-Naga A., El Shafie M., Abdelkrim N., Hamdon H., Metawi H.A. 2015 The study focuses on the assessment of the contribution of sheep and goats to reduce poverty and vulnerability in rural...
View ArticleCircadian clock-related genetic risk scores and risk of placental abruption
Qiu C., Gelaye B., Denis M., Tadesse M.G., Luque Fernandez M.A., Enquobahrie D.A., Ananth C.V., Sanchez S.E., Williams M.A. 2015 Introduction The circadian clock plays an important role in several...
View ArticleRegional scale rain-forest height mapping using regression-kriging of...
Fayad I., Baghdadi N., Bailly J.S., Barbier N., Gond V., Hérault B., El Hajj M., Fabre F., Perrin J. 2016 LiDAR data has been successfully used to estimate forest parameters such as canopy heights and...
View ArticleFinancial and economic values of bushmeat in rural and urban livelihoods in...
Lescuyer G., Nasi R. 2016 Traditional wildlife hunting has been described mainly from studies of local practices and from the monitoring of urban bushmeat markets. However, the overall value chain...
View ArticleExpression analysis of ROS producing and scavenging enzyme-encoding genes in...
Koop D.M., Rio M., Sabau X., Almeida Cardoso S.E., Cazevieille C., Leclercq J., Garcia D. 2016 South American Leaf Blight (SALB), caused by the ascomycete Pseudocercospora ulei, is responsible for the...
View ArticleChromosome segregation in an allotetraploid banana hybrid (AAAB) suggests a...
Noumbissie Touko G.B., Chabannes M., Bakry F., Ricci S., Cardi C., Njembele J.C., Yohoume D., Tomekpé K., Iskra Caruana M.L., D'Hont A., Baurens F.C. 2016 Many banana cultivars (including the Plantain...
View ArticleBlack Curassow habitat relationships in #terra firme# forests of the Guiana...
Denis T., Hérault B., Jaouen G., Brunaux O., Guitet S., Richard-Hansen C. 2016 The Black Curassow (Crax alector) is a large game bird with Vulnerable conservation status found in north-central South...
View ArticleStructure des populations de #Sclerocarya birrea#, #Lannea microcarpa# et...
Agbogan A., Tozo K., Wala K., Bellefontaine R., Dourma M., Akpavi S., Woegan Y.A., Dimobe K., Akpagana K. 2015 La présente étude a pour objectif de contribuer à la gestion durable de Sclerocarya...
View ArticleDémarche à adopter pour sauvegarder le patrimoine génétique de l'arganeraie...
Bellefontaine R., Kechebar M.S.A., Rahmoune C. 2015 Du fait de leur infime taux de régénération, des pratiques humaines et du changement climatique, sans intervention efficace, les arganiers répartis...
View ArticleThe camel, new challenges for a sustainable development
Faye B. 2016 Elevage - Considérations générales; Economie et politique du développement
View ArticleSocial impacts of the Forest Stewardship Council certification in the Congo...
Cerutti P.O., Lescuyer G., Tacconi L., Eba'a Atyi R., Essiane Mendoula E., Nasi R., Tabi Eckebil P.P., Tsanga R. 2016 We assess whether the implementation of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)...
View ArticleStatus of Grauer's gorilla and chimpanzees in eastern Democratic Republic of...
Plumptre A.J., Nixon S., Critchlow R., Vieilledent G., Nishuli R., Kirkby A., Williamson E.A., Hall J., Kujirakwinja D. 2015 Ecologie animale
View ArticlePericarp thickness of sorghum whole grain is accurately predicted by NIRS and...
Guindo D., Davrieux F., Teme N., Vaksmann M., Doumbia M., Fliedel G., Bastianelli D., Verdeil J.L., Mestres C., Kouressy M., Courtois B., Rami J.F. 2016 The thickness of grain pericarp, the outer...
View ArticleMolecular characterization and prevalence of two capulaviruses: Alfalfa leaf...
Bernardo P., Muhire B., François S., Deshoux M., Hartnady P., Farkas K., Kraberger S., Filloux D., Fernandez E., Galzi S., Ferdinand R., Granier M., Marais A., Monge Blasco P., Candresse T., Escriu...
View ArticleCharacterization of the diversity of dairy farming systems and milk marketing...
Radwan M., Abdelghany S., Corniaux C., El-Asheeri A., Alary V. 2016 The aim of this study was to suggest a methodology to characterize the diversity of dairy farming systems in Nile valley lands...
View ArticleUrban population genetics of the invasive black rats in Franceville, Gabon
Mangombi J.B., Brouat C., Loiseau A., Banga O., Leroy E.M., Bourgarel M., Duplantier J.M. 2016 The invasive black rat Rattus rattus has established commensal populations in most cities of the world....
View ArticleA cuckoo-like parasitic moth leads African weaver ant colonies to their ruin
Déjean A., Orivel J., Azémar F., Hérault B., Corbara B. 2016 In myrmecophilous Lepidoptera, mostly lycaenids and riodinids, caterpillars trick ants into transporting them to the ant nest where they...
View ArticleCombining pollination ecology and fine-scale spatial genetic structure...
Gigant R., De Bruyn A., M'sa T., Gigord L., Gauvin-Bialeck A., Pailler T., Humeau L., Grisoni M., Besse P. 2016 Physiologie végétale : reproduction; Génétique et amélioration des plantes
View ArticleDevelopment and mapping of functional expressed sequence tag-derived simple...
Nirapathpongporn K., Kongsawadworakul P., Viboonjun U., Chrestin H., Seguin M., Clément-Demange A., Narangajavana J. 2016 Sets of polymorphic expressed sequence tag¿simple sequence repeat (EST-SSR)...
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