Guindo D., Davrieux F., Teme N., Vaksmann M., Doumbia M., Fliedel G., Bastianelli D., Verdeil J.L., Mestres C., Kouressy M., Courtois B., Rami J.F.
The thickness of grain pericarp, the outer layer of the kernel, is an important breeding criterion for sorghum. This cereal is mainly used through traditional processing in family-based food systems in many regions of the world. We investigated in this study how pericarp thickness could be predicted by Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS), a fast and non-destructive measurement method ...
Physiologie et biochimie végétales; Méthodes de relevé
The thickness of grain pericarp, the outer layer of the kernel, is an important breeding criterion for sorghum. This cereal is mainly used through traditional processing in family-based food systems in many regions of the world. We investigated in this study how pericarp thickness could be predicted by Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS), a fast and non-destructive measurement method ...
Physiologie et biochimie végétales; Méthodes de relevé