Special issue of 19th international conference on applications of natural...
Roche M. (ed.), Teisseire M. (ed.), Métais E. (ed.) 2015 Documentation et information; Autres thèmes; Méthodes de recherche
View ArticleEstablishing geographical indications without state involvement? Learning...
Chabrol D., Mariani M., Sautier D. 2015 This paper addresses the debate on establishing GIs in weak national institutional contexts. It builds on evidence provided by six case studies in a project...
View ArticleSystèmes d'élevages ruminants en zone de montagne et dynamique d'adaptation...
Mouhous A. 2015 Les politiques de développement des systèmes d'élevages mises en oeuvre en Algérie n'ont pas tout à fait atteint les objectifs escomptés. Ces systèmes d'élevages en région montagneuse...
View ArticleField application of the mycorrhizal fungus #Rhizophagus irregularis#...
Wahbi S., Prin Y., Maghraoui T., Sanguin H., Thioulouse J., Oufdou K., Hafidi M., Duponnois R. 2015 The aim of this study was to test the impact of Rhizophagus irregularis, an arbuscular mycorrhizal...
View ArticleSubtelomere organization in the genome of the microsporidian #Encephalitozoon...
Dia N., Lavie L., Faye N., Méténier G., Yeramian E., Duroure C., Toguebaye B.S., Frutos R., Niang M.N., Vivares C., Ben Mamoun C., Cornillot E. 2016 Background The microsporidian Encephalitozoon...
View ArticlePlastid phylogenetics of Oceania yams (#Dioscorea# spp., Dioscoreaceae)...
Chaïr H., Sardos J., Supply A., Mournet P., Malapa R., Lebot V. 2016 Phylogenetic relationships of Oceanian staple yams (species of Dioscorea section Enantiophyllum) were investigated using plastid...
View ArticleGuia para la vigilancia sanitaria de los animales terrestres
Brückner G. (ed.), Knopf L. (ed.), Mac Diarmid S.C. (ed.), Munstermann A.S. (ed.), Cameron A., Mariner J.C., Paisley L., Parmley J., Roger F., Scott A., Willeberg P., Wolhuter M. 2015 El objetivo...
View ArticleSuivi et caractérisation des dynamiques de la production agricole en Afrique...
Leroux L. 2015 Aujourd'hui estimée à 831 millions, la population africaine devrait atteindre les 3.8 milliards à l'horizon 2100. A ces changements démographiques se surimposent de profondes...
View ArticleDelicate balance between pest and disease injuries, yield performance, and...
Allinne C., Savary S., Avelino J. 2016 Pests and diseases are the main yield-reducing factors in simplified agricultural systems. Their role in complex, diverse, agricultural systems may, however, be...
View ArticleAre alternative livelihood projects effective at reducing local threats to...
Roe D., Booker F., Day M., Zhou W., Allebone Webb S., Hill N.A.O., Kumpel N.F., Petrokofsky G., Redford K., Russell D., Shepherd G., Wright J., Sunderland T.C.H. 2015 Background Alternative livelihood...
View ArticleL'intelligence territoriale dans le bassin de Thau: un observatoire pour...
Lemoisson P., Tonneau J.P., Maurel P. 2016 Economie et politique du développement; Géographie; Documentation et information; Méthodes de recherche
View ArticleLa construction concertée d'un guide pour la mise en oeuvre de la gouvernance...
Soulard C.T., Rey-Valette H., Chia E., Pinto M., Mathé S., Maurel P., Michel L., Ollagnon M. 2016 Economie et politique du développement; Vulgarisation
View ArticleInvolvement of nitrogen functional groups in high-affinity copper binding in...
Guigues S., Bravin M., Garnier C., Masion A., Chevassus-Rosset C., Cazevieille P., Doelsch E. 2016 Carboxylic groups located in plant cell walls (CW) are generally considered to be the main copper...
View ArticleIncreased zinc and copper availability in organic waste amended soil...
Tella M., Bravin M., Thuriès L., Cazevieille P., Chevassus-Rosset C., Collin B., Chaurand P., Legros S., Doelsch E. 2016 This study aimed at determining the fate of trace elements (TE) following soil...
View ArticleCompost addition reduces porosity and chlordecone transfer in soil...
Woignier T., Clostre F., Fernandes P., Rangon L., Soler A., Lesueur Jannoyer M. 2016 Chlordecone, an organochlorine insecticide, pollutes soils and contaminates crops and water resources and is...
View ArticleMultilocus phylogeny and ecological differentiation of the ¿#Eupelmus...
Al Khatib F., Cruaud A., Fusu L., Genson G., Rasplus J.Y., Ris N., Delvare G. 2016 Background: The ecological differentiation of insects with parasitic life-style is a complex process that may involve...
View ArticleAgriculture as an asset class: reshaping the South African farming sector
Ducastel A., Anseeuw W. 2016 According to portfolio managers, agriculture in general, and farmland in particular, can be considered an emerging asset class. Specialized financial vehicles, such as...
View ArticleInformación y procesos de acompañamiento para la evaluación de la gobernanza...
Piraux M. 2015 Economie et politique du développement; Documentation et information
View ArticleMembrane technology for production of nutraceutical
Belleville M.P., Vaillant F. 2016 Autres thèmes; Traitement et conservation des produits alimentaires
View ArticleBayesian network modeling of early growth stages explains yam interplant...
Cornet D., Sierra J., Tournebize R., Gabrielle B., Lewis F.I. 2016 Yams (Dioscorea spp.) are important species, especially for resource-poor farmers of West Africa, where crop yields are affected by...
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