Allinne C., Savary S., Avelino J.
Pests and diseases are the main yield-reducing factors in simplified agricultural systems. Their role in complex, diverse, agricultural systems may, however, be less apparent because of the many interactions in which they are involved. However, it is essential to understand the relationships between pests and diseases, on the one hand, and ecosystem services (including crop production), on the ...
Culture des plantes; Systèmes et modes de culture; Protection des végétaux : considérations générales; Production forestière
Pests and diseases are the main yield-reducing factors in simplified agricultural systems. Their role in complex, diverse, agricultural systems may, however, be less apparent because of the many interactions in which they are involved. However, it is essential to understand the relationships between pests and diseases, on the one hand, and ecosystem services (including crop production), on the ...
Culture des plantes; Systèmes et modes de culture; Protection des végétaux : considérations générales; Production forestière