Growth and carbon balance are differently regulated by tree and shoot...
Pallas B., Bluy S., Ngao J., Martinez S., Clément-Vidal A., Kelner J.J., Costes E. 2018 In plants, carbon source¿sink relationships are assumed to affect their reproductive effort. In fruit trees,...
View ArticleCrop-model assisted phenomics and genome-wide association study for climate...
Dingkuhn M., Pasco R., Pasuquin J., Damo J., Soulie J.C., Raboin L.M., Dusserre J., Sow A., Manneh B., Shrestha S., Kretzschmar T. 2017 Low night and high day temperatures during sensitive...
View ArticleCrop-model assisted phenomics and genome-wide association study for climate...
Dingkuhn M., Pasco R., Pasuquin J., Damo J., Soulie J.C., Raboin L.M., Dusserre J., Sow A., Manneh B., Shrestha S., Balde A.B., Kretzschmar T. 2017 Phenology and time of flowering are crucial...
View ArticleSpatial and temporal variation in the abundance of #Culicoides# biting midges...
Cuéllar A.C., Kjær L.J., Kirkeby C., Skovgaard H., Nielsen S.A., Stockmarr A., Andersson G., Lindstrom A., Chirico J., Lühken R., Steinke S., Kiel E., Gethmann J.M., Conraths F.J., Larska M., Hamnes...
View ArticleRelationships between anatomical and vibrational properties of wavy sycamore...
Alkadri A., Carlier C., Wahyudi I., Gril J., Langbour P., Brémaud I. 2018 Sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) is a wood species particularly known for its wavy grain figure and its high-value...
View ArticleIdentifying ant-mirid spatial interactions to improve biological control in...
Bagny-Beilhe L., Piou C., Tadu Z., Babin R. 2018 The use of ants for biological control of insect pests was the first reported case of conservation biological control. Direct and indirect community...
View ArticleCassava whitefly, #Bemisia tabaci# (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in...
Macfadyen S., Paull C., Boykin L.M., De Barro P.J., Maruthi M.N., Otim M.O., Kalyebi A., Vassão D.G., Sseruwagi P., Tay W.T., Delatte H., Seguni Z., Colvin J., Omongo C.A. 2018 Bemisia tabaci...
View ArticleLandscape management strategies in response to climate risks in Indonesia
Fedele G. 2017 Ecosystems play an important role in strategies for facing climate change because they address both its causes and effects through the delivery of ecosystem services. Ecosystems act as...
View ArticleLes cahiers de l'école qualité en recherche et en enseignement supérieur
Baudassé C. (ed.), Bickel C. (ed.), Doulbeau S. (ed.) 2017 Recherche agronomique; Enseignement
View ArticleOptimization of an oilseed-based biofuels upstream supply chain in West Africa
Bambara L.D., Sawadogo M., Blin J., Roy D., Anciaux D. 2017 This study presents an optimization model of the upstream supply chain of an oilseed based-biofuels production system. It has been developed...
View ArticleThe legitimacy of tilling the land versus land use rights: Algerian farmers'...
Amichi H., Kuper M., Bouarfa S. 2018 Economie et politique foncières
View ArticleMERS coronaviruses from camels in Africa exhibit region-dependent genetic...
Chu D.K.W., Hui K.P.Y., Perera R.A.P.M., Miguel E., Niemeyer D., Zhao J., Channappanavar R., Dudas G., Oladipo J.O., Traore A., Fassi-Fihri O., Ali A., Demissie G.F., Muth D., Chan M.C.W., Nicholls...
View ArticleFacing financialization: The divergent mutations of agricultural cooperatives...
Ducastel A., Anseeuw W. 2018 This paper analyses the transformation of the South African (former) grain cooperatives since 1994. These entities played a key role in the institutional architecture of...
View ArticleConnecting drip irrigation performance to farmers' practices: the case of...
Laib K., Hartani T., Bouarfa S., Kuper M., Mailhol J.C. 2018 Drip irrigation is widely used in a range of different farming systems. Farmers generally adapt drip irrigation systems to their specific...
View Article20-Week follow-up of hepatic steatosis installation and liver mitochondrial...
Fouret G., Gaillet S., Lecomte J., Bonafos B., Djohan F., Baréa B., Badia E., Coudray C., Feillet-Coudray C. 2018 The incidence of obesity and its metabolic complications are rapidly increasing and...
View ArticleLe genre #Entandrophragma# (Meliaceae) : taxonomie et écologie d'arbres...
Kasongo Yakusu E., Monthe F., Bourland N., Hardy O.J., Louppe D., Bola Mbele Lokanda F., Hubau W., Kahindo Muhongya J.M., Van den Bulcke J., Van Acker J., Beeckman H. 2018 Introduction. Les espèces...
View ArticleCharacterization of mirid assemblages (Heteroptera, Miridae) in mango...
Atiama M., Ramage T., Jacquot M., Sadeyen J.A.M., Delatte H., Deguine J.P. 2017 Introduction ¿ Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is the second most important tropical fruit produced worldwide. In Reunion...
View ArticleWild foods: Safety net or poverty trap? A South African case study
Paumgarten F., Locatelli B., Witkowski E.T.F. 2018 Wild foods contribute towards the food security of an estimated one billion people. In light of expectations of the contribution of wild foods to...
View ArticleCan global climate change affect pricesin the world banana market?
Blake D., Dawson C., Loeillet D., Staver C. 2018 This paper explores the potential impacts of extreme weather events associated with climate change on prices in the international banana market. First,...
View ArticleTexture-based classification for characterizing regions on remote sensing images
Borne F., Viennois G. 2017 Remote sensing classification methods mostly use only the physical properties of pixels or complex texture indexes but do not lead to recommendation for practical...
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