Des savoirs aux savoirs faire : l'innovation alimente un front pionnier...
Penot E. 2016 Economie et politique du développement; Histoire; Systèmes et modes de culture; Elevage - Considérations générales; Structure agraire; Economie familiale et artisanale; Economie et...
View ArticleSimulating the elimination of sleeping sickness with an agent-based model =...
Grébaut P., Girardin K., Fédérico V., Bousquet F. 2016 Although Human African Trypanosomiasis is largely considered to be in the process of extinction today, the persistence of human and animal...
View ArticleControlled irrigation and nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium fertilization...
Vinecky F., Davrieux F., Mera A.C., Alves G.S.C., Lavagnini G.V., Leroy T., Bonnot F., Rocha O.C., Bartholo G.F., Guerra A.F., Rodrigues G.C., Marraccini P., Andrade A.C. 2016 Controlled irrigation...
View ArticleDiterpenes biochemical profile and transcriptional analysis of cytochrome...
Ivamoto S.T., Sakuray L.M., Ferreira L.P., Kitzberger C.S.G., Scholz M.B.D.S., Pot D., Leroy T., Vieira L.G.E., Domingues D.S., Pereira L.F.P. 2017 Lipids are among the major chemical compounds...
View ArticleVers une accentuation des disparités dans le financement de l'agriculture en...
Ribier V., Gabas J.J. 2016 Le paysage institutionnel du financement de l'agriculture est en cours de recomposition, avec la multiplication et la diversification des acteurs, ainsi que l'imbrication...
View ArticleThe camel chains in East Africa- Importance of gaps between the data and the...
Alary V., Faye B. 2016 The 11.8 million head of camel counted in East Africa account for 62% of the 2006 world camel population. Less than 4.75% of this stock is slaughtered for national consumption...
View ArticleSeven newly recorded species and families of spiders from Reunion Island...
Jacquot M., Derepas B., Deguine J.P. 2016 To date, 24 spider families have been identified on Reunion Island. But published data on spider fauna mainly concerned natural habitats and highlands....
View ArticleMieux évaluer et accompagner l'innovation agricole en Afrique. Leçons d'une...
Triomphe B., Floquet A., Letty B., Kamau G., Almekinders C., Waters-Bayer A. 2016 Cet article présente les résultats clés tirés de l'analyse transversale de 13 expériences d'innovation agricole menées...
View ArticleGlobal population divergence and admixture of the brown rat (#Rattus...
Puckett E.E., Park J., Combs M., Blum M.J., Bryant J., Caccone A., Costa F., Deinum E.E., Esther A., Himsworth C.G., Keightley P.D., Ko A., Lundkvist A., McElhinney L.M., Morand S., Robins J., Russell...
View ArticleEvolution of a milkshed and role of alternative milk collection centres in...
Daburon A., Radwan M.A.A., Alary V., Ali A., Abdelghany S., Fouad K. 2016 In Egypt, an agro-industrial company, in association with a non-governmental organization, began setting up milk collection...
View ArticleXart: Discovery of correlated arguments of n-ary relations in text
Berrahou S.L., Buche P., Dibie J., Roche M. 2017 Here we present the Xart system based on a three-step hybrid method using data mining approaches and syntactic analysis to automatically discover and...
View ArticleCosts and benefits of climate-smart agriculture: The case of the Dry Corridor...
Sain G., Loboguerero A.M., Corner-Dolloff C., Lizarazo M., Nowak A., Martínez-Barón D., Andrieu N. 2017 Central American countries, particularly Guatemala, are experiencing extreme climate events...
View ArticleWhole-genome sequences of #Xanthomonas euvesicatoria# strains clarify...
Barak J.D., Vancheva T., Lefeuvre P., Jones J.B., Timilsina S., Minsavage G.V., Vallad G.E., Koebnik R. 2016 Multiple species of Xanthomonas cause bacterial spot of tomato (BST) and pepper. We...
View ArticleNew insights on Natural Rubber microgel structure thanks to a new method for...
Rolere S., Cazevieille C., Sainte-Beuve J., Bonfils F. 2016 Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) columns pre-treated with a tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBABr) solution were used to develop a new method...
View ArticleActive animal health surveillance in European Union Member States: gaps and...
Bisdorff B., Schauer B., Taylor N., Rodriguez-Prieto V., Comin A., Brouwer A., Dórea F., Drewe J., Hoinville L., Lindberg A., Martínez Avilés M., Martinez-Lopez B., Peyre M.I., Pinto Ferreira J.,...
View ArticleAn integrative research framework for enabling transformative adaptation
Colloff M.J., Martin-Lopez B., Lavorel S., Locatelli B., Gorddard R., Longaretti P.Y., Walters G., van Kerkhoff L., Wyborn C., Coreau A., Wise R.M., Dunlop M., Degeorges P., Grantham H., Overton I.C.,...
View ArticleRôle et place du riz pluvial dans les exploitations du Vakinankaratra (Hauts...
Penot E., Raboin L.M., Tokarski Y., Rakotofiringa A., Bodoy A., Ahmim-Richard A., Dabat M.H., Raharison T., Rakoto Harivony A., Razafimandimby H. 2016 Organisation, administration et gestion des...
View ArticleLes relations agriculture-élevage dans les exploitations agricoles adoptant...
Saint-André F., Dugue P., Penot E., Le Gal P.Y. 2016 Systèmes et modes de culture; Elevage - Considérations générales; Economie et politique du développement; Economie familiale et artisanale;...
View ArticleLe Moyen Ouest du Vakinankaratra : évolution des systèmes de production et...
Raharison T., Bélières J.F., Razafimahatratra H.M., Penot E. 2016 Structure agraire; Organisation, administration et gestion des entreprises ou exploitations agricoles; Economie et politique du...
View ArticleLa pluriactivité rurale au service du maintien de l'agriculture familiale :...
Rakotofiringa A., Penot E. 2016 Economie familiale et artisanale; Travail et emploi; Population rurale; Systèmes et modes de culture; Economie et politique du développement; Agriculture -...
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