Franz A.C., Faass O., Köllner B., Shved N., Link K., Casanova A., Wenger M., D'Cotta H., Baroiller J.F., Ullrich O., Reinecke M., Eppler E.
A role for GH and IGF-I in the modulation of the immune system has been under discussion for decades. Generally, GH is considered a stimulator of innate immune parameters in mammals and teleost fish. The stimulatory effects in humans as well as in bony fish often appear to be correlated with elevated endocrine IGF-I (liver-derived), which has also been shown to be suppressed during infection in ...
Physiologie et biochimie animales; Pêche et aquaculture : considérations générales; Sciences et hygiène vétérinaires : considérations générales
A role for GH and IGF-I in the modulation of the immune system has been under discussion for decades. Generally, GH is considered a stimulator of innate immune parameters in mammals and teleost fish. The stimulatory effects in humans as well as in bony fish often appear to be correlated with elevated endocrine IGF-I (liver-derived), which has also been shown to be suppressed during infection in ...
Physiologie et biochimie animales; Pêche et aquaculture : considérations générales; Sciences et hygiène vétérinaires : considérations générales