Gebreeyesus K.A., Iglesias A., Triomphe B., Pédelahore P., Temple L.
Research on sectoral systems of innovation has paid little attention to adaptation to cli¬mate change, notably in agriculture. This article, therefore, explores the role of systems of innovation in adapting to climate change. It focuses on two case studies in Kenyan agriculture, i.e. the coffee and dairy sectors, which differ in terms of stakeholders and insti¬tutional setups. In the coffee ...
Economie et politique du développement; Météorologie et climatologie
Research on sectoral systems of innovation has paid little attention to adaptation to cli¬mate change, notably in agriculture. This article, therefore, explores the role of systems of innovation in adapting to climate change. It focuses on two case studies in Kenyan agriculture, i.e. the coffee and dairy sectors, which differ in terms of stakeholders and insti¬tutional setups. In the coffee ...
Economie et politique du développement; Météorologie et climatologie