Yang M., Defossez P., Danjon F., Dupont S., Fourcaud T.
Background and Aims Root anchorage function is crucial for tree survival as most trees are exposed to recurrent wind throughout their lifespan. Trees exhibit a large variability of root system architecture (RSA) due genetic and environmental factors. This study aims to understand the links between RSA and tree stability. Methods A 3D biomechanical model was used to simulate tree overturning. To ...
Production forestière; Physiologie végétale : croissance et développement; Anatomie et morphologie des plantes; Météorologie et climatologie; Méthodes mathématiques et statistiques
Background and Aims Root anchorage function is crucial for tree survival as most trees are exposed to recurrent wind throughout their lifespan. Trees exhibit a large variability of root system architecture (RSA) due genetic and environmental factors. This study aims to understand the links between RSA and tree stability. Methods A 3D biomechanical model was used to simulate tree overturning. To ...
Production forestière; Physiologie végétale : croissance et développement; Anatomie et morphologie des plantes; Météorologie et climatologie; Méthodes mathématiques et statistiques