Venegas-González A., Brancalion P.H.S., Albiero Junio A., Peres Chagas M., Anholetto Junior C.R., Chaix G., Tomazello Filho M.
In tropical forest, landscape fragmentation and the consequent degradation of disturbed forests increase the incidence of light and dry hot winds, causing a disturbance on natural regeneration. Under these conditions, lianas (woody vines) development is stimulated instead of other species, which are more suited to mature forest and under less influence of the edge effect. For this, lianas ...
Production forestière; Technologie des produits forestiers; Ecologie végétale; Physiologie végétale : croissance et développement; Anatomie et morphologie des plantes
In tropical forest, landscape fragmentation and the consequent degradation of disturbed forests increase the incidence of light and dry hot winds, causing a disturbance on natural regeneration. Under these conditions, lianas (woody vines) development is stimulated instead of other species, which are more suited to mature forest and under less influence of the edge effect. For this, lianas ...
Production forestière; Technologie des produits forestiers; Ecologie végétale; Physiologie végétale : croissance et développement; Anatomie et morphologie des plantes