Cerbu G. (ed.), Chevignon C., Groutel E., Lescuyer G., Essiane Mendoula E., Tsanga R., Dubiez E., Peroches A.
In the Congo Basin, up to one-third of the total wood market is sourced from traditional (or artisanal) woodcutting, with these products primarily destined for domestic markets. Due to the informal nature of much of the domestic value-added wood product market, the sector's real contribution to GDP and to local livelihoods is challenging to measure. However, urban timber markets contribute to ...
Production forestière; Commerce, commercialisation et distribution; Commerce intérieur; Economie de la consommation
In the Congo Basin, up to one-third of the total wood market is sourced from traditional (or artisanal) woodcutting, with these products primarily destined for domestic markets. Due to the informal nature of much of the domestic value-added wood product market, the sector's real contribution to GDP and to local livelihoods is challenging to measure. However, urban timber markets contribute to ...
Production forestière; Commerce, commercialisation et distribution; Commerce intérieur; Economie de la consommation