Gauquelin T., Michon G., Joffre R., Duponnois R., Genin D., Fady B., Dagher-Kharrat M.B., Derridj A., Slimani S., Badri W., Alifriqui M., Auclair L., Simenel R., Aderghal M., Baudoin E., Galiana A., Prin Y., Sanguin H., Fernandez C., Baldy V.
Mediterranean forests are found in the Mediterranean basin, California, the South African Cape Province, South and southwestern Australia and parts of Central Chile. They represent 1.8 % of the world forest areas of which the vast majority is found in the Mediterranean basin, where historical and paleogeographic episodes, long-term human influence and geographical and climatic contrasts have ...
Foresterie - Considérations générales; Météorologie et climatologie; Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Sociologie rurale et sécurité sociale
Mediterranean forests are found in the Mediterranean basin, California, the South African Cape Province, South and southwestern Australia and parts of Central Chile. They represent 1.8 % of the world forest areas of which the vast majority is found in the Mediterranean basin, where historical and paleogeographic episodes, long-term human influence and geographical and climatic contrasts have ...
Foresterie - Considérations générales; Météorologie et climatologie; Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Sociologie rurale et sécurité sociale