Evaluation of the contribution of NTFPs gathering: To rural people's...
Midoko Iponga D., Mikolo-Yobo C., Lescuyer G., Mba Assoumou F., Levang P., Chupezi Tieguhong J., Ngoye A. 2016 NTFP are often presented as bringing a major contribution to rural livelihoods in terms...
View ArticleConcepción de justicia y gobernanza del programa de Pago por Servicios...
Legrand T., Le Coq J.F., Froger G. 2016 Mientras el programa costarricense de Pagos por Servicios Ambientales (PPSA) ha sido tradicionalmente presentado como un mecanismo basado sobre el mercado, se...
View ArticleAvances en la comprensión de la transición forestal en fincas costarricenses
Louman B., Gutiérrez I., Le Coq J.F., Brenes C., Wulfhorst J.D., Casanoves F., Yglesias M., Rios S. 2016 Este estudio evaluó cuales factores han influido la adopción de prácticas de conservación y...
View ArticleAssociation mapping of seed and disease resistance traits in #Theobroma...
Motilal L.A., Zhang D., Mischke S., Meinhardt L.W., Boccara M., Fouet O., Lanaud C. 2016 Main conclusion Microsatellite and single nucleotide polymorphism markers that could be used in marker assisted...
View ArticleIncreasing metabolic rate despite declining body weight in an adult...
Casas J., Body M., Gutzwiller F., Giron D., Lazzari C.R., Pincebourde S., Richard R., Llandres Lopez A. 2015 Metabolic rate is a positive function of body weight, a rule valid for most organisms and...
View ArticleA dynamic energy budget for the whole life-cycle of holometabolous insects
Llandres Lopez A., Marques G.M., Maino J.L., Kooijman S.A.L.M., Kearney M.R., Casas J. 2015 Alterations of the amount and quality of food consumed during ontogeny can affect different life-history...
View ArticleFood insecurity: The future challenge
Bourgeois R. 2016 With rising prosperity and urbanisation in emerging and developing economies there has been a rapid expansion of waste generation. India, with an urban population of 377 million that...
View ArticleThe elusive quest for inclusive growth in sub-Saharan Africa: regional...
Losch B. 2015 Economie et politique du développement
View ArticleStructural transformation to boost youth labour demand in sub-Saharan Africa:...
Losch B. 2016 This paper explores the opportunities that economic diversification offers to foster structural transformation in sub-Saharan Africa while absorbing the growing youth labour force and...
View ArticleSoil carbon as an indicator of Mediterranean soil quality
Chevallier T., Hamdi S., Gallali T., Brahim N., Cardinael R., Bounouara Z., Cournac L., Chenu C., Bernoux M. 2016 Chimie et physique du sol; Fertilité du sol; Météorologie et climatologie
View ArticleMetrology and quality management
Charki A., Dollé V., Martin L., Himbert M. 2016 Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Méthodes de recherche; Agriculture - Considérations générales; Météorologie et climatologie; Economie...
View ArticleMediterranean forests, biocultural heritage and climate change. A...
Gauquelin T., Michon G., Joffre R., Duponnois R., Genin D., Fady B., Dagher-Kharrat M.B., Derridj A., Slimani S., Badri W., Alifriqui M., Auclair L., Simenel R., Aderghal M., Baudoin E., Galiana A.,...
View ArticleAgricultural management, livestock and food security
Torquebiau E. (ed.), Soussana J.F. (ed.) 2016 Over the centuries, farmers from the countries bordering the Mediterranean have developed a variety of agricultural practices, providing a wide array of...
View ArticleAdaptation of Mediterranean fruit tree cultivation to climate change
Costes E., Khadari B., Zaher H., Moukhli A., Morillon R., Legave J.M., Regnard J.L. 2016 Culture des plantes; Météorologie et climatologie; Physiologie et biochimie végétales; Physiologie végétale :...
View ArticleAdaptability of small ruminant farmers facing global change. A North-South...
Lasseur J., Alary V., Aboul-Naga A., Osman M.A., Salah E., Daoud I., Bonnet P. 2016 Elevage - Considérations générales; Météorologie et climatologie; Systèmes et modes de culture; Economie et...
View ArticlePensons les territoires pour gagner la bataille de l'emploi
Losch B., Pesche D., Imbernon J. 2016 Economie et politique du développement; Travail et emploi
View ArticleMultilocus variable number of tandem repeat analysis reveals multiple...
López-Soriano P., Boyer K., Morente M.C., Peñalver J., Palacio-Bielsa A., Vernière C., López M.M., Pruvost O. 2016 Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni is the causal agent of the bacterial spot disease of...
View ArticleLipase activity of tropical oilseed plants for ethyl biodiesel synthesis and...
Kouteu Nanssou P.A., Baréa B., Barouh N., Blin J., Villeneuve P. 2016 The aim of this work was to investigate lipase activities in crude extracts from Adansonia suarezensis, Adansonia grandidieri,...
View ArticleL'intégration des concepts de résilience dans le domaine de la sécurité...
Vonthron S., Dury S., Fallot A., Alpha A., Bousquet F. 2016 On observe depuis les années 2000 la volonté des acteurs de la sécurité alimentaire de rapprocher résilience et sécurité alimentaire. Ce...
View ArticleEssential oil yield in rosewood (#Aniba rosaeodora# Ducke): Initial...
Amusant N., Beauchêne J., Digeon A., Chaix G. 2016 Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora) essential oil is a valuable ingredient that has long been used in the perfume and cosmetic industries. The main rosewood...
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