Jacquet S., Huber K., Guis H., Setier-Rio M.L., Goffredo M., Allene X., Rakotoarivony I., Chevillon C., Bouyer J., Baldet T., Balenghien T., Garros C.
Background Introduction of vector species into new areas represents a main driver for the emergence and worldwide spread of vector-borne diseases. This poses a substantial threat to livestock economies and public health. Culicoides imicola Kieffer, a major vector species of economically important animal viruses, is described with an apparent range expansion in Europe where it has been recorded in ...
Organismes nuisibles des animaux; Ecologie animale; Maladies des animaux
Background Introduction of vector species into new areas represents a main driver for the emergence and worldwide spread of vector-borne diseases. This poses a substantial threat to livestock economies and public health. Culicoides imicola Kieffer, a major vector species of economically important animal viruses, is described with an apparent range expansion in Europe where it has been recorded in ...
Organismes nuisibles des animaux; Ecologie animale; Maladies des animaux