Atidegla S.C., Huat J., Agbossou E.K., Saint Macary H., Glele Kakaï R.L.
Escherichia coli, and fecal streptococci as one consequence of the intensification of vegetable cropping through fertilization with poultry manure. For this purpose, on-farm trials were conducted in 2009 and 2010 at Yodo-Condji and Ayi-Guinnou with three replications and four fertilization treatments including poultry manure and three vegetable crops (leafy eggplant, tomato, and carrot). ...
Contamination et toxicologie alimentaires; Fertilisation; Traitement des déchets agricoles; Elevage - Considérations générales
Escherichia coli, and fecal streptococci as one consequence of the intensification of vegetable cropping through fertilization with poultry manure. For this purpose, on-farm trials were conducted in 2009 and 2010 at Yodo-Condji and Ayi-Guinnou with three replications and four fertilization treatments including poultry manure and three vegetable crops (leafy eggplant, tomato, and carrot). ...
Contamination et toxicologie alimentaires; Fertilisation; Traitement des déchets agricoles; Elevage - Considérations générales