Duroy P.O., Perrier X., Laboureau N., Jacquemoud-Collet J.P., Iskra Caruana M.L.
Background and Aims Banana genomes harbour numerous copies of viral sequences derived from banana streak viruses (BSVs) ¿ dsDNA viruses belonging to the family Caulimoviridae. These viral integrants (eBSVs) are mostly defective, probably as a result of 'pseudogenization' driven by host genome evolution. However, some can give rise to infection by releasing a functional viral genome following ...
Maladies des plantes; Génétique et amélioration des plantes
Background and Aims Banana genomes harbour numerous copies of viral sequences derived from banana streak viruses (BSVs) ¿ dsDNA viruses belonging to the family Caulimoviridae. These viral integrants (eBSVs) are mostly defective, probably as a result of 'pseudogenization' driven by host genome evolution. However, some can give rise to infection by releasing a functional viral genome following ...
Maladies des plantes; Génétique et amélioration des plantes