Vieilledent G., Gardi O., Grinand C., Burren C., Andriamanjato M., Camara C., Gardner C.J., Glass L., Rasolohery A., Ratsimba H.R., Gond V., Rakotoarijaona J.R.
Recent studies have underlined the importance of climatic variables in determining tree height and biomass in tropical forests. Nonetheless, the effects of climate on tropical forest carbon stocks remain uncertain. In particular, the application of process-based dynamic global vegetation models has led to contrasting conclusions regarding the potential impact of climate change on tropical forest ...
Foresterie - Considérations générales; Météorologie et climatologie; Physiologie et biochimie végétales
Recent studies have underlined the importance of climatic variables in determining tree height and biomass in tropical forests. Nonetheless, the effects of climate on tropical forest carbon stocks remain uncertain. In particular, the application of process-based dynamic global vegetation models has led to contrasting conclusions regarding the potential impact of climate change on tropical forest ...
Foresterie - Considérations générales; Météorologie et climatologie; Physiologie et biochimie végétales