Hafsi A., Abbes K., Harbi A., Duyck P.F., Chermiti B.
For control of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae), the attract-and-kill or attracticide technique is an alternative to the spraying of traditional organophosphate pesticides. In this study, the effectiveness of Ceranock and AAL&K attract-and-kill bait stations was assessed for control of C. capitata in Tunisian peach (Prunus persica) orchards. Our results showed ...
Ravageurs des plantes
For control of the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae), the attract-and-kill or attracticide technique is an alternative to the spraying of traditional organophosphate pesticides. In this study, the effectiveness of Ceranock and AAL&K attract-and-kill bait stations was assessed for control of C. capitata in Tunisian peach (Prunus persica) orchards. Our results showed ...
Ravageurs des plantes