Guitet S., Freycon V., Brunaux O., Pélissier R., Sabatier D., Couteron P.
The influence of geomorphological features on rain-forest diversity has been reported in different Amazonian regions. Soil filtering is often assumed to underlie the observed geomorphic control on the floristic composition but other hypotheses related to biogeography or long-term forest dynamics are also possible. We tested relationships between geomorphology, soil properties and forest ...
Foresterie - Considérations générales; Taxonomie végétale et phyto-géographie; Chimie et physique du sol; Ecologie végétale
The influence of geomorphological features on rain-forest diversity has been reported in different Amazonian regions. Soil filtering is often assumed to underlie the observed geomorphic control on the floristic composition but other hypotheses related to biogeography or long-term forest dynamics are also possible. We tested relationships between geomorphology, soil properties and forest ...
Foresterie - Considérations générales; Taxonomie végétale et phyto-géographie; Chimie et physique du sol; Ecologie végétale