Ndung'u-Magiroi K.W., Waswa B., Bationo A., Okalebo J.R., Othieno C.O., Herrmann L., Lesueur D.
Soil microbes such as plant growth promoting rhizobacteria play significant roles in the solubilisation of inorganic phosphorus (P), mineralization of organic P and in improving plant P uptake. It is known that phosphate solubilising microorganisms (PSM) populations largely vary depending on the ecosystems, the cropping systems or the soil management. The capacity of Minjingu phosphate rock (PR) ...
Biologie du sol; Chimie et physique du sol; Physiologie végétale : nutrition
Soil microbes such as plant growth promoting rhizobacteria play significant roles in the solubilisation of inorganic phosphorus (P), mineralization of organic P and in improving plant P uptake. It is known that phosphate solubilising microorganisms (PSM) populations largely vary depending on the ecosystems, the cropping systems or the soil management. The capacity of Minjingu phosphate rock (PR) ...
Biologie du sol; Chimie et physique du sol; Physiologie végétale : nutrition