Bisquert M., Bordogna G., Bégué A., Candiani G., Teisseire M., Poncelet P.
High-spatial-resolution satellites usually have the constraint of a low temporal frequency, which leads to long periods without information in cloudy areas. Furthermore, low-spatial-resolution satellites have higher revisit cycles. Combining information from high- and low- spatial-resolution satellites is thought a key factor for studies that require dense time series of high-resolution images, ...
Méthodes de relevé; Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Foresterie - Considérations générales
High-spatial-resolution satellites usually have the constraint of a low temporal frequency, which leads to long periods without information in cloudy areas. Furthermore, low-spatial-resolution satellites have higher revisit cycles. Combining information from high- and low- spatial-resolution satellites is thought a key factor for studies that require dense time series of high-resolution images, ...
Méthodes de relevé; Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Foresterie - Considérations générales