Roux B., Bolot S., Guy E., Denancé N., Lautier M., Jardinaud M.F., Fischer-Le-Caux M., Portier P., Jacques M.A., Gagnevin L., Pruvost O., Lauber E., Arlat M., Carrère S., Koebnik R., Noel L.D.
Background The bacterial species Xanthomonas campestris infects a wide range of Brassicaceae. Specific pathovars of this species cause black rot (pv. campestris), bacterial blight of stock (pv. incanae) or bacterial leaf spot (pv. raphani). Results In this study, we extended the genomic coverage of the species by sequencing and annotating the genomes of strains from pathovar incanae (CFBP 1606R ...
Maladies des plantes
Background The bacterial species Xanthomonas campestris infects a wide range of Brassicaceae. Specific pathovars of this species cause black rot (pv. campestris), bacterial blight of stock (pv. incanae) or bacterial leaf spot (pv. raphani). Results In this study, we extended the genomic coverage of the species by sequencing and annotating the genomes of strains from pathovar incanae (CFBP 1606R ...
Maladies des plantes