Torquebiau E., Berry D., Caron P., Grosclaude J.Y.
A broad span of knowledge is needed to analyse the relationship between agriculture and climate change, from international or local governance, to stakeholders' practices, to biology and genomics. The uncertainty related to climate hazards complicates adaptation and mitigation strategies. It is essential for adaptation and mitigation not to be separated in practice, even where analysis does deal ...
Météorologie et climatologie; Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières
A broad span of knowledge is needed to analyse the relationship between agriculture and climate change, from international or local governance, to stakeholders' practices, to biology and genomics. The uncertainty related to climate hazards complicates adaptation and mitigation strategies. It is essential for adaptation and mitigation not to be separated in practice, even where analysis does deal ...
Météorologie et climatologie; Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières