Lemeilleur S., Balineau G.
Certification and ecolabelling are forms of private governance meant to reflect sustainable development issues. These instruments encourage 'good' environmental and social practices, many of which are akin to climate change mitigation and adaptation approaches. To make it clear how effective they can be in that role, we present them here, recalling that they are at once standards for best ...
Météorologie et climatologie; Systèmes et modes de culture; Physiologie végétale : reproduction; Génétique et amélioration des plantes
Certification and ecolabelling are forms of private governance meant to reflect sustainable development issues. These instruments encourage 'good' environmental and social practices, many of which are akin to climate change mitigation and adaptation approaches. To make it clear how effective they can be in that role, we present them here, recalling that they are at once standards for best ...
Météorologie et climatologie; Systèmes et modes de culture; Physiologie végétale : reproduction; Génétique et amélioration des plantes