Lajaunie C., Morand S., Binot A.
The link between health and environment has been acknowledged progressively in international declarations and agreements, from the Stockholm Conference of 1972 to the recent conference of the parties of CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) calling for the integration of issues of livestock-wildlife-human-ecosystem health interface into the ...
Sciences et hygiène vétérinaires : considérations générales; Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières
The link between health and environment has been acknowledged progressively in international declarations and agreements, from the Stockholm Conference of 1972 to the recent conference of the parties of CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) calling for the integration of issues of livestock-wildlife-human-ecosystem health interface into the ...
Sciences et hygiène vétérinaires : considérations générales; Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières