Ratjen A.M., Lemaire G., Kage H., Plénet D., Justes E.
Phenological development can be seen as the biological clock of crops and crop model developers used this timeline for describing various processes associated with leaf area dynamics. The critical shoot nitrogen concentration (cNcrit; a reference to quantify crop nitrogen status), leaf-stem partitioning and specific leaf area (SLA) are often simulated as a function of developmental stages or ...
Physiologie végétale : nutrition; Physiologie végétale : croissance et développement
Phenological development can be seen as the biological clock of crops and crop model developers used this timeline for describing various processes associated with leaf area dynamics. The critical shoot nitrogen concentration (cNcrit; a reference to quantify crop nitrogen status), leaf-stem partitioning and specific leaf area (SLA) are often simulated as a function of developmental stages or ...
Physiologie végétale : nutrition; Physiologie végétale : croissance et développement