Faure G., Knierim A., Koutsouris A., Ndah H.T., Audouin S., Zarokosta E., Wielinga E., Triomphe B., Mathé S., Temple L., Heanue K.
The new EU agricultural policy aims to strengthen actors' capacities for innovation by taking into account the complexity of innovation processes. This paper characterizes the key innovation support services (ISS) that support actors in innovating. In the EU AgriSpin project, we analyzed 57 case studies describing innovation processes. We used a common grid to characterize ISS. Our results show ...
Agriculture - Considérations générales; Economie et politique agricoles
The new EU agricultural policy aims to strengthen actors' capacities for innovation by taking into account the complexity of innovation processes. This paper characterizes the key innovation support services (ISS) that support actors in innovating. In the EU AgriSpin project, we analyzed 57 case studies describing innovation processes. We used a common grid to characterize ISS. Our results show ...
Agriculture - Considérations générales; Economie et politique agricoles