De Bon H., Temple L., Malézieux E., Bendjebbar P., Fouilleux E., Silvie P.
In Africa, official statistics contain little data on organic agriculture, even though its products are increasingly available on local and export markets. African consumer demand is growing, providing a dynamic economic opportunity. Today, there is no doubt that organic agriculture is making an important contribution to the agro-ecological transition process underway in Africa. It reduces the ...
Systèmes et modes de culture; Economie et politique du développement; Economie familiale et artisanale; Nutrition humaine : considérations générales
In Africa, official statistics contain little data on organic agriculture, even though its products are increasingly available on local and export markets. African consumer demand is growing, providing a dynamic economic opportunity. Today, there is no doubt that organic agriculture is making an important contribution to the agro-ecological transition process underway in Africa. It reduces the ...
Systèmes et modes de culture; Economie et politique du développement; Economie familiale et artisanale; Nutrition humaine : considérations générales