Kouamé Koffi C., Gazull L., Gautier D.
Over 90% of the rural population in sub-Saharan Africa still relies on fuelwood as their primary source of household energy. In this context, recent robust data on fuelwood consumption in rural areas are needed to conceive and implement appropriate energy policies. This paper identifies the factors that determine fuelwood consumption variability in two villages in Burkina Faso, based on a ...
Foresterie - Considérations générales; Sources d'énergie renouvelable; Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Sociologie rurale et sécurité sociale
Over 90% of the rural population in sub-Saharan Africa still relies on fuelwood as their primary source of household energy. In this context, recent robust data on fuelwood consumption in rural areas are needed to conceive and implement appropriate energy policies. This paper identifies the factors that determine fuelwood consumption variability in two villages in Burkina Faso, based on a ...
Foresterie - Considérations générales; Sources d'énergie renouvelable; Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Sociologie rurale et sécurité sociale