Leclercq J., Szabolcs T., Martin F., Montoro P.
pCAMBIA vectors have become popular for their easy handling, stability and the existence of a range of selection and reporter genes. However, these vectors have yet to integrate the Gateway® cloning system, which has enabled site-specific recombination without the need for restriction enzymes and ligases. This paper sets out to convert the pCambia2300 binary vector into a destination vector with ...
Génétique et amélioration des plantes
pCAMBIA vectors have become popular for their easy handling, stability and the existence of a range of selection and reporter genes. However, these vectors have yet to integrate the Gateway® cloning system, which has enabled site-specific recombination without the need for restriction enzymes and ligases. This paper sets out to convert the pCambia2300 binary vector into a destination vector with ...
Génétique et amélioration des plantes