Baumel A., Mirleau P., Viruel J., Dagher-Kharrat M.B., La Malfa S., Ouahmane L., Diadema K., Moakhar M., Sanguin H., Médail F.
Background and aims: The thermophilous woodlands of the Mediterranean region constitute reservoirs of genetic resources for several fruit trees. Among them, the carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua) is a key component of traditional Mediterranean agroecosystems but its ecology was never assessed at the scale of its whole distribution area. Fortunately, phytosociological literature shelters invaluable ...
Production forestière; Ecologie végétale; Taxonomie végétale et phyto-géographie
Background and aims: The thermophilous woodlands of the Mediterranean region constitute reservoirs of genetic resources for several fruit trees. Among them, the carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua) is a key component of traditional Mediterranean agroecosystems but its ecology was never assessed at the scale of its whole distribution area. Fortunately, phytosociological literature shelters invaluable ...
Production forestière; Ecologie végétale; Taxonomie végétale et phyto-géographie