Strona G., Stringer S.D., Vieilledent G., Szantoi Z., Garcia-Ulloa J., Wich S.
Despite growing awareness about its detrimental effects on tropical biodiversity, land conversion to oil palm continues to increase rapidly as a consequence of global demand, profitability, and the income opportunity it offers to producing countries. Although most industrial oil palm plantations are located in Southeast Asia, it is argued that much of their future expansion will occur in Africa. ...
Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Culture des plantes; Foresterie - Considérations générales
Despite growing awareness about its detrimental effects on tropical biodiversity, land conversion to oil palm continues to increase rapidly as a consequence of global demand, profitability, and the income opportunity it offers to producing countries. Although most industrial oil palm plantations are located in Southeast Asia, it is argued that much of their future expansion will occur in Africa. ...
Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Culture des plantes; Foresterie - Considérations générales