Atieno M., Wilson N.L., Casteriano A., Crosset B., Lesueur D., Deaker R.
Inoculation of legume seed with rhizobia is an efficient and cost-effective means of distributing elite rhizobial strains to broad-acre crops and pastures. However, necessary drying steps after coating seed expose rhizobia to desiccation stress reducing survival and limiting potential nitrogen fixation by legumes. Rhizobial tolerance to desiccation varies with strain and with growth conditions ...
Production et traitement des semences; Physiologie végétale : croissance et développement
Inoculation of legume seed with rhizobia is an efficient and cost-effective means of distributing elite rhizobial strains to broad-acre crops and pastures. However, necessary drying steps after coating seed expose rhizobia to desiccation stress reducing survival and limiting potential nitrogen fixation by legumes. Rhizobial tolerance to desiccation varies with strain and with growth conditions ...
Production et traitement des semences; Physiologie végétale : croissance et développement