Faure G., Barret D., Blundo Canto G., Dabat M.H., Devaux-Spatarakis A., Le Guérroue J.L., Marquié C., Mathe S., Temple L., Toillier A., Triomphe B., Hainzelin E.
In a context of a severe funding crisis, donors and policymakers expect increased accountability from research organizations and convincing proof that public investments in research have significant and positive societal impacts. This article takes stock of the lessons learned from the use of a method (ImpresS) designed by CIRAD to analyze the impact of research undertaken in partnership with a ...
Recherche agronomique; Economie et politique du développement
In a context of a severe funding crisis, donors and policymakers expect increased accountability from research organizations and convincing proof that public investments in research have significant and positive societal impacts. This article takes stock of the lessons learned from the use of a method (ImpresS) designed by CIRAD to analyze the impact of research undertaken in partnership with a ...
Recherche agronomique; Economie et politique du développement