Santiago L.S., De Guzman M.E., Baraloto C., Vogenberg J.E., Brodie M., Herault B., Fortunel C., Bonal D.
Predicting responses of tropical forests to climate change?type drought is challenging because of high species diversity. Detailed characterization of tropical tree hydraulic physiology is necessary to evaluate community drought vulnerability and improve model parameterization. Here, we measured xylem hydraulic conductivity (hydraulic efficiency), xylem vulnerability curves (hydraulic safety), ...
Foresterie - Considérations générales; Météorologie et climatologie; Physiologie et biochimie végétales
Predicting responses of tropical forests to climate change?type drought is challenging because of high species diversity. Detailed characterization of tropical tree hydraulic physiology is necessary to evaluate community drought vulnerability and improve model parameterization. Here, we measured xylem hydraulic conductivity (hydraulic efficiency), xylem vulnerability curves (hydraulic safety), ...
Foresterie - Considérations générales; Météorologie et climatologie; Physiologie et biochimie végétales