Bellon De La Cruz B., Bégué A., Lo Seen D., Lebourgeois V., Evangelista B.A., Simoes M., Demonte Ferraz R.P.
Cropping systems' maps at fine scale over large areas provide key information for further agricultural production and environmental impact assessments, and thus represent a valuable tool for effective land-use planning. There is, therefore, a growing interest in mapping cropping systems in an operational manner over large areas, and remote sensing approaches based on vegetation index time series ...
Systèmes et modes de culture
Cropping systems' maps at fine scale over large areas provide key information for further agricultural production and environmental impact assessments, and thus represent a valuable tool for effective land-use planning. There is, therefore, a growing interest in mapping cropping systems in an operational manner over large areas, and remote sensing approaches based on vegetation index time series ...
Systèmes et modes de culture