Bourgeois R., Liswanti N., Mukasa C., Zamora A., Herawati T., Monterroso I., Mshale B., Banjade M.R., Mwangi E., Larson A.
The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) initiated the GCS-Tenure project in Indonesia, Uganda and Peru conducted the study to analyze the relationships between statutory and customary land tenure and how these relationships affect tenure security of forest dependent communities, including women and other marginalized groups. Using a global comparative approach and standardized ...
Production forestière
The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) initiated the GCS-Tenure project in Indonesia, Uganda and Peru conducted the study to analyze the relationships between statutory and customary land tenure and how these relationships affect tenure security of forest dependent communities, including women and other marginalized groups. Using a global comparative approach and standardized ...
Production forestière