Paula R.R., Bouillet J.P., Gonçalves J.L.M., Trivelin P., Balieiro F.D.C., Nouvellon Y., Oliveira J.D.C., De Deus Junior J.C., Bordron B., Laclau J.P.
Context : Introducing N-fixing trees in fast-growing tropical plantations may contribute to reducing the long-term requirements of N fertilizers. Management practices established in forest monocultures should be revisited in mixed-species plantations. Aims: This field experiment aimed to compare N2 fixation rates of Acacia mangium Wild in monospecific stands and in mixed-species stands with ...
Production forestière; Physiologie végétale : nutrition
Context : Introducing N-fixing trees in fast-growing tropical plantations may contribute to reducing the long-term requirements of N fertilizers. Management practices established in forest monocultures should be revisited in mixed-species plantations. Aims: This field experiment aimed to compare N2 fixation rates of Acacia mangium Wild in monospecific stands and in mixed-species stands with ...
Production forestière; Physiologie végétale : nutrition