Perez R., Costes E., Théveny F., Griffon S., Caliman J.P., Dauzat J.
The paradigm of functional-structural models (FSPM) assumes that studying the detailed organisation of plant structure allows a better understanding of functional processes; in particular the way plants capture light for performing photosynthesis. However, much attention must be paid toward the consistency between virtual plants and plants in the field in terms of size and geometry to accurately ...
Production forestière; Méthodes de relevé
The paradigm of functional-structural models (FSPM) assumes that studying the detailed organisation of plant structure allows a better understanding of functional processes; in particular the way plants capture light for performing photosynthesis. However, much attention must be paid toward the consistency between virtual plants and plants in the field in terms of size and geometry to accurately ...
Production forestière; Méthodes de relevé