Vo L.T.T., Girones J., Beloli C., Chupin L., Di Giuseppe E., Clément-Vidal A., Soutiras A., Pot D., Bastianelli D., Bonnal L., Navard P.
Composites prepared with whole sorghum stem fragments reinforcing a polyethylene matrix were studied using ten different sorghum genotypes. Using a robust processing protocol, it is shown that for a given sorghum genotype, the composition of the stem fragments varies depending on the size of the sieved fragments but with the genotype effect being larger than the sieving effect. There is a ...
Génétique et amélioration des plantes; Physiologie et biochimie végétales
Composites prepared with whole sorghum stem fragments reinforcing a polyethylene matrix were studied using ten different sorghum genotypes. Using a robust processing protocol, it is shown that for a given sorghum genotype, the composition of the stem fragments varies depending on the size of the sieved fragments but with the genotype effect being larger than the sieving effect. There is a ...
Génétique et amélioration des plantes; Physiologie et biochimie végétales