Novoa A., Shackleton R., Canavan S., Cybele C., Davies S.J., Dehnen-Schmutz K., Fried J., Gaertner M., Geerts S., Griffiths C.L., Kaplan H., Kumschick S., Le Maitre D.C., Measey G.J., Nunes A.L., Richardson D.M., Robinson T.B., Touza J., Wilson J.R.U.
Alien species can have major ecological and socioeconomic impacts in their novel ranges and so effective management actions are needed. However, management can be contentious and create conflicts, especially when stakeholders who benefit from alien species are different from those who incur costs. Such conflicts of interests mean that management strategies can often not be implemented. There is, ...
Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Ecologie végétale; Ecologie animale
Alien species can have major ecological and socioeconomic impacts in their novel ranges and so effective management actions are needed. However, management can be contentious and create conflicts, especially when stakeholders who benefit from alien species are different from those who incur costs. Such conflicts of interests mean that management strategies can often not be implemented. There is, ...
Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières; Ecologie végétale; Ecologie animale