N'Dépo O.R., Hala N., N'da Adopo A., Coulibaly F., Kouassi P., Vayssières J.F., De Meyer M.
Fruit flies are major pest in West Africa. In Côte-d'Ivoire, they caused heavy losses. Thus, preventive measures are taken to reduce their damage. The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of Success Appat® and Proteus 170 O-TEQ against fruit. Traps baited with sexual attractants were set in mango orchards and their contents were collected each week. Bait and insecticide were renewed each ...
Ravageurs des plantes
Fruit flies are major pest in West Africa. In Côte-d'Ivoire, they caused heavy losses. Thus, preventive measures are taken to reduce their damage. The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of Success Appat® and Proteus 170 O-TEQ against fruit. Traps baited with sexual attractants were set in mango orchards and their contents were collected each week. Bait and insecticide were renewed each ...
Ravageurs des plantes