Musaad A., Ayadi M., Khalil A., Aljumaah R.S., Faye B.
A total of 72 camels at first and late stage of lactation managed under intensive condition were classified for udder and teat shape using digital images from left side of the mammary gland. Based on visual appraisal udder were classified to: pear, globular and pendulous. Meanwhile, teat classified to: funnel, cylindrical and bottle shape. Globular shape at first and late stage with the ...
Elevage - Considérations générales
A total of 72 camels at first and late stage of lactation managed under intensive condition were classified for udder and teat shape using digital images from left side of the mammary gland. Based on visual appraisal udder were classified to: pear, globular and pendulous. Meanwhile, teat classified to: funnel, cylindrical and bottle shape. Globular shape at first and late stage with the ...
Elevage - Considérations générales