Akakpo R., Scarcelli N., Chaïr H., Dansi A., Djedatin G., Thuillet A.C., Rhoné B., François O., Alix K., Vigouroux Y.
Background: After cereals, root and tuber crops are the main source of starch in the human diet. Starch biosynthesis was certainly a significant target for selection during the domestication of these crops. But domestication of these root and tubers crops is also associated with gigantism of storage organs and changes of habitat. Results: We studied here, the molecular basis of domestication in ...
Génétique et amélioration des plantes; Taxonomie végétale et phyto-géographie; Anatomie et morphologie des plantes; Physiologie et biochimie végétales
Background: After cereals, root and tuber crops are the main source of starch in the human diet. Starch biosynthesis was certainly a significant target for selection during the domestication of these crops. But domestication of these root and tubers crops is also associated with gigantism of storage organs and changes of habitat. Results: We studied here, the molecular basis of domestication in ...
Génétique et amélioration des plantes; Taxonomie végétale et phyto-géographie; Anatomie et morphologie des plantes; Physiologie et biochimie végétales