Tarantola A., Blanchi S., Cappelle J., Ly S., Chan M., In S., Peng Y., Hing C., Tain C.N., Ly S., Bourhy H., Buchy P., Dussart P., Mary J.Y.
Post exposure prophylaxis prevents human rabies and is accessible in Cambodia principally in Phnom Penh, the capital. Timely, affordable access to post-exposure prophylaxis is a challenge for the mainly rural population. We aimed to identify districts independently associated with post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) noncompletion to position frontline vaccination centers. We analyzed the 2009¿2013 ...
Maladies des animaux; Autres thèmes
Post exposure prophylaxis prevents human rabies and is accessible in Cambodia principally in Phnom Penh, the capital. Timely, affordable access to post-exposure prophylaxis is a challenge for the mainly rural population. We aimed to identify districts independently associated with post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) noncompletion to position frontline vaccination centers. We analyzed the 2009¿2013 ...
Maladies des animaux; Autres thèmes